Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Big Time Brewery

Big Time Brewery
Sauce - 0

Grease - 1

Crust - 2

Menu - 1

Variety - 5 on menu + specials of the day (one meat and one veggie)

Would you come back? not for pizza (this style anyway)

2am? of course. But the kitchen is only open until 11pm.

Cold Pizza -

Other comments:

-We accidentally ordered one without sauce. We think.

"looks gross" - KW

"All I taste is blue cheese" -LB

What we had: Quattro Formaggio

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Belltown Pizza

Belltown Pizza

Sauce - 3
Grease - 2/3 (pretty dark to really tell) - removed from red lighting = 3/4
Crust - 3
Menu - 4
Variety - 17 + Build Your Own
Would you come back? yes!
2am? yes but they only serve dinner until 11pm
Cold Pizza -
Other observations:
-They have spumoni on the menu!
-the bathroom was nice :)
-"Actually, I refuse to recognize white pizza as pizza" -LB
-"The crust if kinda sweet." -LB
-"It's kinda perfect..." -KW
-"Like pags but less greasy" -KW
-Tuesday special = Large two topping pizza and bucket of beers (or pitcher of soda) for $20! YUM!

What we had: 1/2 Ray's Famous 1/2 pineapple and peperoni

Belltown Pizza